Finally things are falling into place over in my little world!
My blog is becoming...
offers product reviews
a guest blogger
a blog hop with voiceBoks
a place to share giveaways
more organized!
The other pages that don't have any content will very soon!! Please be patient with me while I get things together for those pages. I finally have an email just for my blogging friends/communities! And soon ( I hope!) I should have a great blog design!
My gossipers are slowing down on what I did and didn't do. LOL! It seems like my 'life' is so much better than a Days! Oh well!! Maybe I can become stress-free for a change, enjoy my children as they won't stay little very long, concentrate on my studies, put forth my businesses, mostly my photography but am trying to get my mark. out there to at least be able to pay for my gas since these prices are outrage!
But for now, I'm going to get off of here and hopefully get some sleep! The storms last night/morning kept us up.
You have a neat, very organized blogspot. Everythign is so visible in the eyes. Keep it coming!
Hi there! Stopping by and following you from the voiceboks blog hop. Your kids are adorable! Your blog is coming together really nicely...can't wait to see what else is coming!
Yay! I'm so happy for you Amy!
I really hope voiceBoks can do more for you too! You know whatever you want on it is offered to you free unlimited lifetime.
Lexie Lane
Looks great! I made my way over here, joined and ready to support your journey in the world of writing on the Web! xoxo Samantha
Well, VB sent me your way, so, it must be working! Hi Amy! Looking forward to reading more from you!
Hi there! Good Luck with your blog and your everyday life!!! And your business. :) I'm following you now from the hop!
Thank you for finding me. Of course I am following you back!
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