Things are almost done...

I have had so many projects going at once, not able to get one done until I get the other done and so forth.

I sat with my daughter, we laid out her babies... tried to count them and I believe I counted up to 30! I think she doesn't need anymore! LOL!

Finally got my fan page on FB for my photography all done and organized... two photos are being a pain in the butt, hopefully I will be able to upload them later.

I was on a cleaning kick yesterday!! I didn't want to be bothered, once started don't stop. Yes, I was caffeinated big time and very glad I was. My apartment needed it badly, gonna have another day like that to finish the rest of the rooms. Thursday sounds good! :)

I was going through my son's book-bag and there was a letter for me to confirm my appointment with his pre-school teacher about the transition into Kindergarten. I can't believe my little boy is going to be 6!! The time sure flew by fast.
                                           From this sweet little boy

To a handsome little man

Been reading blogs from other Moms and boy! I'm glad I'm not the only one that has her days! :) I'm so unorganized on my blog, please be patient with me while my blog goes "under the knife, or in this case, under photoshop!". I hope to create my own layout, buttons and much more! Any ideas of a design, please share with me. Love ideas!!

I have many ideas for my blog, ideas like... a blog train one day, another day a deal & steals, maybe one that will feature a WAHM business, maybe on Fridays something to do with photos (I love photography!!). Any ideas are welcome & appreciated! If there is something you would like to see on my blog, just let me know. I'm open to just about anything and everything.


Christin said...

Hi there!! Now following from!! I love your blog and your little boys are precious! I have two little boys also; a tad bit younger than yours!! If you get a chance please return the follow!! Have a great Easter!! said...

"Nothing like a friend bailing on you at the last minute! She said that she would be able to take care of my children while I went for my little jig and she just text me that she can't"

Bailing happens...but it shouldn't. I know I've promised people things like that before and become profoundly sorry I did, but my dad always taught me that I shouldn't promise if I'm not willing to deliver. It's a bummer to fulfill a regretful promise, but it always pays off.

An example of why I might become sorry I promised something to a friend: two days (or whatever) after I promise, my brother and his wife offer to take hubby and I on an all expense paid trip to Cabo. That's a bummer, but I've given it up gladly to be the friend I would want to have.

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